Tuesday, May 6, 2008

We introduce to you.....

"The Bustanoby 6"

And their parents..............

Norah Lorraine Bustanoby

Thank you all so much for participating in the poll, but we chose Norah for many reasons. She just looks to us like a Norah. If you were to tally all the votes I think it would actually be really close. Not all people voted on the poll. Reese also said that she likes Norah way better. Lorraine is my grandmothers name and she is a sweet and very kind lady.


  1. Its a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl!!! And what lucky 4 kids to have such fun parents like the 2 of you. You are all blessed :)

  2. Congratulations! Norah Lorraine is a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl! It was so good to meet her and see "The Bustanoby 6" all together for the first time!

    Although, I'm voting for the Bustanoby Bunch for the family nickname!

  3. You girls are so cute! Your comments once again are almost the same ;)

  4. Love it! She's beautiful! And I of course love the name ;)

  5. I love the name and yes it suits her. She is so beautiful... I love the picture of all of you!! Your children are so beautiful and after seeing their parents I wonder how that happened??? Oh of course... they take after their Grandma!!! Love you ,

  6. Odi and I love Norah. We think it fits within the family names just perfectly. Odi just said, "I want to go to Reese's house." We'll have to fit in a visit sometime within the near future. We love "The Bustanoby 6"!

  7. Beautiful :) I can't wait to meet her! Congrats again you guys!

  8. Reese keeps asking me to pierce her ears and she said the cutest thing. I was telling her that it was going to hurt and after I did one ear I would have to do the second ear. She said " how bout you do the second ear first"

    I just love kids!!!

  9. Calah says she looks justlike Ava! They are bugging me to go over and visit and see the new baby! I told them we would later:)

  10. Norah is gorgeous! She's a perfect little blend of all of you! :) So happy, and can't wait to see her. Are you coming up for the 4th of July???

  11. I am sure Norah Lorraine will be just as sweet as her name. Even though I voted for Scarlett, she may have tried to live up to that spicy name. Can't wait to see her in person. Give the Bustanoby 6 big hugs from Aunt Riesa & Uncle Steve. Love you guys!!

  12. aww so precious!!! I feel like you named her after me tho...my middle name and my mothers middle name is also lorraine!

  13. Great choice--yes, I would have said that with Scarlett too. She is beautiful. Love all the pics.

  14. She's adorable! I love the name, too!

  15. Congrats!! Super cute. I am very impress at your keeping up with the blog.










husband and wife

husband and wife
Okay Dallas when you hit the ball you need to run to 1st base, 2nd base, and then home.....no mom! I don't want to go home!Reese was outside singing today while she was on the swing. And she says to me. "Mom, the sun is coming out because I am singing....I am wakin it up!" Keep singing girl, keep singing!Dallas: Look mom his doesn't have twin wheels! (translation:training wheels)Dallas: When I am a daddy....I want one of those baby Norahs.So sweet!Reese: Mom I like these things...What things? Reese: These Rat-tat-too-ies Do you mean Tattoos?Reese: Yah! TattoosDallas was holding Norah and this is what he said....Norah pooped. She pooped 3 times....Oooo....she pooped 10 times mom!!Reese was going to the bathroom and when she was done she looked (as all kids do) and said "oooo, look mom. I ate carrots!"Reese has been wanting her ears pierced. She spent that night at Ambers house and asked her if she could do it. Amber told her that it would hurt and after she did one ear she would have to do the second ear. She said "how bout you do the second ear first"We been telling the kids that Norah can't have anything to eat because she is to little. Dallas walks in the hospital and get up to look at Norah and says: "I want to see if she has a mouth"In the morning when the kids wake up they come and crawl in bed with us. I was laying on my side talking with Reese. She looked at me and said "Mom...your boobs are hugging" I just laughed. She then said "they love each other" The thoughts of a 5 ....and just in case you were wondering. I was wearing a tank top ;)Mom....when I am a mom I will have two kids and then we will have lots of kids at our house!!(And what do we have now...I am thinking)Dallas looked at my blog and the picture of the "barefoot and pregnant""mommy that's you!"Boy do I love that kid ;)My room is usually a mess. Of course I have all the "good" excuses as to why :) Well my surprise when I got home from work was a nice clean room with a made bed.When Reese came and got me this morning she said "Mom your room is Amazing!"

the things they say...

Reese: Hey mom look! She walks just fine and doesn't even need a cane! (we were at costco and she said this about an elderly lady...nice!)

About Me

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I am a wife, mother of 4,a friend, and a child of God....I am addicted to coupons. Hopefully these confessions will help you save money for your family. Blessings