Welcome to the "Play-by-Play" of the 4th pretty-much-annual Bustanoby Birth...
Amber was admitted to Stevens Hospital at 7:15 am.
Amber scores the big room # 713.
Collin drops kids off at "the Go To people" Dallas and Ava with Stacie Diffner; Reeser with Amber Mitchell
Collin arrives at hospital at 8:15am
Sheri sets Amber up with an IV at 8:18am
Amber's cranberry and 7-up is on its way...
Dr. Spiro arrives at 9:15am...injecting blue gel to help bring about a natural bodily reaction
Dr. Spiro instructs Amber to stay off of her feet for an hour.
Spiro says cervix is soft, not thinned out yet...2 cm and approx 40% effaced
It's 9:19am
Amber feels something going on and the richter scale shows a little bump at 9:42am
Amber experiences some contractions without much pain.
Collin and Amber go for a walk at 10:27am
Amber looks hot in a hospital gown :)
Collin and Amber go to Burger King
Collin and Amber walk around the hospital 3 times
Collin and Amber arrive at room at 11:05am
Dr. Spiro comes in and gives second dose of blue gel at 12:16pm
Spiro says cervix is soft...approx 3-4 cm and approx 70% effaced. its 12:27pm
Collin goes to retrieve Amber's favorite pillows from home at 1:05pm
Amber loses "the infamous plug" at 1:33pm
27 Dresses is playing on the DVD player
Dr. Spiro comes in and gives third and final dose of blue gel at 2:36pm
Spiro checks and says cervix is still 3-4 cm (two fingers) and 70-80% effaced
Epidural is beginning to warm up in the bullpen in case Blue Gel leaves the bases loaded...
It's 2:40pm.
Amber is having regular contractions every minute
Amber registered a pain level of 5 on a scale of 1 to 10.
Dr. Solomon comes out of the bullpen and shuts down the pain with an efficient and accurate epidural at 3:47pm
Amber feels relief and her mood is much lighter
It's 3:55pm
Amber has "a tingly butt" at 3:59pm
Amber's water breaks at 4:32pm
Tom Cruise is on Oprah
Amber is experiencing level 5 pain despite the epidural
Amber pushes the button to release some more pain medicine
Sheri the nurse checks Amber and says the head is just sitting there
Amber is at 8 cm at 4:58pm
Sheri leaves room to get Dr. Spiro
Amber is 10 cm 5:07pm
The room is setup for delivery, except the main spotlight is malfunctioning, so a portable light has been brought in as a substitute
Dr. Spiro has changed his shoes and put on his glasses.
Amber feels the need to push
It's 5:11pm
The Bustanobys have a new addition to the family!
at 17:17 hospital time, on 5/05/08
a baby GIRL has been born,
weighing in at 7 lbs 9 oz and 19 inches
as of 5:47pm, this little player is to be named later...
Watch the blog for a survey and take part in deciding the name for this little one!!!
Collin: Honey are you sure this is our last one
Amber: Are you SERIOUS!!
Collin: At this moment.....Yes
Amber: Lord help me! Is my gifting a breeder?
And just an FYI- It would be spelled Norah :)