Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Something I don't want to forget....or maybe I do?

Collin and I were in the livingroom talking about the kids. I mentioned to him how funny it is when you have your first child and they seem to know everything thing at a early age. You say "eyes" and they point to them. You ask them all the sounds that animals make and they are able to say them with out skipping a beat. Well then there is Ava. She hardly knows any of them. I feel guilty about this...trust me. Well as we are talking I said "well honey eventually they will know it right?" Dallas figured it out. He overheard us talking about animal noises and he bursts out with cock a doodle doo, cock a doodle doo. I said what animal is that Dallas?? He said as sure as he can ever be: a wolf!

Looks like I have some catching up to do :)


  1. Amber, I think you are doing a WONDERFUL job with your kids! You are an awesome mom!

  2. Oh I love it. What's funny was I was thinking the exact same thing with Jonah. I guess we gotta get the older ones to help us teach the younger ones, it'll be like the buddy system :) I love the picture of all the kids too, Norah looks adorable, I can't believe how big she's gotten.

  3. What a sweet picture!! i love it!
    Don't feel guilty! That is just lies from the devil himself! Your younger ones are also blessed with wonderful things that your first born was not...like having siblings and maybe a more relaxed mama, etc. God knows each of your children and He knows your heart! Just keep having fun...I'm sure they will grow up and say, "I remember when my mom would wrestle with us and tickle us until we had to pee our pants!" Not, "My mom taught me all my animal noises by the age of two." =)
    I can tell you love them TONS and are trying to be the best mama you can be...they are indeed blessed children just to have you!

  4. That is so funny Amber!!! I am totally with ya on this girl. I worked with drew on lots of things and haven't had near the time to work with Gus. Thankfully Gus has Sam to teach him all the animal sounds.

    I agree with what the gal above me said though. You are a great Mom and each one of your kids gets blessed with different things from both you and Collin. Just makes for a well rounded family if ya ask me.
    Love ya

  5. If it makes you feel any better Adam knows a cat and a dog and that's about it. We were getting worried because he wasn't talking at all. I came to the conclusion that his older brother was alloying him to be lazy cause he would talk for him. He's coming around though. Ava will too. Every child advances in their own way and she is blessed to have older and a younger sibling. You are doing a wonderful job and never doubt that. Great picture by the way. Love you.

  6. This is one wild and crazy wolf! How precious! Don't worry about the differences. Like your friend said above, each child has different benefits for being in their birth order. As an oldest child, I know there was a lot of things I got that my siblings didn't, BUT there were also a lot of benefits I didn't get. I am able to spend time with Sam, but I also wish that he had an older sibling too - for instance, he struggles with playing with kids sometimes in ways Gus doesn't, since Gus is used to his older sisters in his space, etc. You are a loving momma and that is the most important thing!

  7. And keep in mind they are learning so much from the other kids just by watching them. Amazing what they pick up on, like my 20 month old has been folding his hands for prayer for quite some time just from seeing what the others do. And picking up toys, it's really strange (and cool!) but he just has always done it, I think because he sees the others do it. ('Course he picks up on the bad stuff too, but that is another subject!)

    Just by having this thought on your radar means you are a great Mom! Keep up the great work! God will bless you, and has blessed your family with you... remember He chose YOU to be the Mom for these kiddos and He always does what is best for His loved ones.

  8. Thanks all! I seriously thought it was so funny when it happened. They are so cute:)










husband and wife

husband and wife
Okay Dallas when you hit the ball you need to run to 1st base, 2nd base, and then home.....no mom! I don't want to go home!Reese was outside singing today while she was on the swing. And she says to me. "Mom, the sun is coming out because I am singing....I am wakin it up!" Keep singing girl, keep singing!Dallas: Look mom his doesn't have twin wheels! (translation:training wheels)Dallas: When I am a daddy....I want one of those baby Norahs.So sweet!Reese: Mom I like these things...What things? Reese: These Rat-tat-too-ies Do you mean Tattoos?Reese: Yah! TattoosDallas was holding Norah and this is what he said....Norah pooped. She pooped 3 times....Oooo....she pooped 10 times mom!!Reese was going to the bathroom and when she was done she looked (as all kids do) and said "oooo, look mom. I ate carrots!"Reese has been wanting her ears pierced. She spent that night at Ambers house and asked her if she could do it. Amber told her that it would hurt and after she did one ear she would have to do the second ear. She said "how bout you do the second ear first"We been telling the kids that Norah can't have anything to eat because she is to little. Dallas walks in the hospital and get up to look at Norah and says: "I want to see if she has a mouth"In the morning when the kids wake up they come and crawl in bed with us. I was laying on my side talking with Reese. She looked at me and said "Mom...your boobs are hugging" I just laughed. She then said "they love each other" The thoughts of a 5 ....and just in case you were wondering. I was wearing a tank top ;)Mom....when I am a mom I will have two kids and then we will have lots of kids at our house!!(And what do we have now...I am thinking)Dallas looked at my blog and the picture of the "barefoot and pregnant""mommy that's you!"Boy do I love that kid ;)My room is usually a mess. Of course I have all the "good" excuses as to why :) Well my surprise when I got home from work was a nice clean room with a made bed.When Reese came and got me this morning she said "Mom your room is Amazing!"

the things they say...

Reese: Hey mom look! She walks just fine and doesn't even need a cane! (we were at costco and she said this about an elderly lady...nice!)

About Me

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I am a wife, mother of 4,a friend, and a child of God....I am addicted to coupons. Hopefully these confessions will help you save money for your family. Blessings