Friday, June 6, 2008


I am: Amber hear me Roar!
I think: I am ready to move some where anyone with me?? Should I wake up Ava (9:45am)?
I know: Jesus is Real because of my life today
I want: to be able to have a bus load of children and be a firm size 4 after each one
I have: Faith, 1 husband, 3 girls, and a boy
I wish: my husband didn't have to work and we could play with our kids all the time, oh and that our house was done completely
I hate: Rainy days that last 10 days
I miss: The Edmonds House, My Mom, Steak, and dinners being brought to my house
I feel: Like I need another cup of coffee and I really want to move
I hear: Reese and Dallas playing play dough
I smell: Nothing Really
I crave: Vacation & an Uber Friend
I search: My Purpose in life
I wonder: what I am gifted at
I love: God, my family and friends
I ache: The Lost and people who have cancer
I care: about a lot of things
I always: drink coffee
I am not: perfect
I believe: in Jesus Christ and in marriage
I sing: at church and with the kids
I dance: not often enough
I cry: when I am overwhelmed and on paydays
I don't always: trust God who always proves his faithfulness
I fight: the urge to follow every garage sale sign
I write: blogs
I never: want to see my kids hurt
I listen: Kids laughing
I need: to play with my kids more and care about the house less
I am happy: that my husband works hard so I can stay home and that the Lord always provides.


  1. Cute kids! I stumbled onto your blog today. I too am a mom in Washington disliking this amount of rain! My preschool kids are now on summer vacation and are wondering where summer is!?

    What a joy to stay at home with our kids, right? Mine are girl (5), boys (almost 4 and 1) and one on the way due in Oct. If you get a chance you can check out my rambling blog here:

  2. I'm hating this weather, too, Amber! Let's move to Arizona!

    Love your meme!

  3. Count me in on the move!!

  4. great answers-love it! =)










husband and wife

husband and wife
Okay Dallas when you hit the ball you need to run to 1st base, 2nd base, and then mom! I don't want to go home!Reese was outside singing today while she was on the swing. And she says to me. "Mom, the sun is coming out because I am singing....I am wakin it up!" Keep singing girl, keep singing!Dallas: Look mom his doesn't have twin wheels! (translation:training wheels)Dallas: When I am a daddy....I want one of those baby Norahs.So sweet!Reese: Mom I like these things...What things? Reese: These Rat-tat-too-ies Do you mean Tattoos?Reese: Yah! TattoosDallas was holding Norah and this is what he said....Norah pooped. She pooped 3 times....Oooo....she pooped 10 times mom!!Reese was going to the bathroom and when she was done she looked (as all kids do) and said "oooo, look mom. I ate carrots!"Reese has been wanting her ears pierced. She spent that night at Ambers house and asked her if she could do it. Amber told her that it would hurt and after she did one ear she would have to do the second ear. She said "how bout you do the second ear first"We been telling the kids that Norah can't have anything to eat because she is to little. Dallas walks in the hospital and get up to look at Norah and says: "I want to see if she has a mouth"In the morning when the kids wake up they come and crawl in bed with us. I was laying on my side talking with Reese. She looked at me and said "Mom...your boobs are hugging" I just laughed. She then said "they love each other" The thoughts of a 5 ....and just in case you were wondering. I was wearing a tank top ;)Mom....when I am a mom I will have two kids and then we will have lots of kids at our house!!(And what do we have now...I am thinking)Dallas looked at my blog and the picture of the "barefoot and pregnant""mommy that's you!"Boy do I love that kid ;)My room is usually a mess. Of course I have all the "good" excuses as to why :) Well my surprise when I got home from work was a nice clean room with a made bed.When Reese came and got me this morning she said "Mom your room is Amazing!"

the things they say...

Reese: Hey mom look! She walks just fine and doesn't even need a cane! (we were at costco and she said this about an elderly lady...nice!)

About Me

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I am a wife, mother of 4,a friend, and a child of God....I am addicted to coupons. Hopefully these confessions will help you save money for your family. Blessings